Creating Content Strategy for a company called BambooHR

Don Mason
4 min readJun 4, 2021

I believe that BabooHr could increase the number of potential customers they reach by increasing the number of times they posted on their social media accounts. While BambooHR seems to post regularly on their Twitter account they don’t seem to do the same on their Instagram account. Here I provide a strategy for creating content on Instagram on a weekly basis.

The first step is to identify your content categories. There are five different content categories that I think make a good fit for the type of content BambooHR provides. These categories are

Product Post (twice a week)

Content promoting the software or specific functions of the software

Company Culture (three times a week)

Content that highlights the company’s values or employee shoutouts

Events/Holiday (once or twice a month)

Content promoting dates of specific holidays or events

For The Locals (once a week)

Content that is tailored specifically for your community

Educational (twice a week)

Content that provides some form of educational value I. E facts, and tips

These categories act as a template for the types of content that BabooHR can provide as well as how often. After you identify your content categories you can then start creating the content based on these categories. Here are some post examples based on these content categories.

Post Examples

Post 1

Holiday Post

In observation of Earth day!

We would like to take the time to remind everyone of the importance of taking care of the planet. At BambooHR, we are devoted to keeping the earth a healthy and clean place for us and the pandas to enjoy. Here are three ways you can enjoy Earth Day.

1. Take a walk

Yes, take a walk! You can easily take a walk around your block and get some fresh air, or better yet, drive out to your nearest trails and enjoy the great outdoors.

2. Plant something

It’s always fun to get your hands dirty once in a while! Taking the time to plant a new houseplant or even an entire garden is a great way to observe Earthday and can make for a great family activity!

3. Pick up trash around your neighborhood

An awesome way to celebrate Earth Day is by going out and picking up the litter around your area; not only are you getting some fresh air but you’re also making a tremendous impact on your local community.

Post 2

If you’ve got a team that’s anything like the one we have here at BambooHR, then you’ve got a team full of rock stars!

Don’t forget to make sure to show your appreciation.

Going above and beyond to highlight your Allstars can go a long way when creating a great work environment that encourages the growth of everyone!

So make sure you’re giving all your hardworking employees the high fives (or digital high fives) they deserve!

Post 3

Work Tip Post

Let’s face it, work can sometimes be stressful, and in today’s day and age, it’s easy to ignore the impacts that stress can have on your health. So we would like to share three tips that help anyone manage stress in the workplace.

Stay organized

A lot of people forget about this but keeping a clean and organized workspace can go a long way to help minimize stress at work, especially if you work at home. Keeping your workspace clutter-free helps your mind stay clutter-free, so don’t forget to stay organized!

Take care of your body.

Not properly taking care of your body can be a huge cause of stress. So remembering to take care of your body is essential! Don’t forget to eat right and drink lots of water! Also, don’t forget to take breaks when needed! Take time to go outside and get some fresh air in between long work sessions.

Ask for help

If you begin to feel overwhelmed at work, know that it’s okay to reach out to someone. We’re all human, and sometimes we need to ask for help. After all, what would our co-workers be there for if we couldn’t rely on them? So next time you find yourself struggling, don’t be afraid to reach out for help.

Post 4

Event Post

Come join us for our customer success webinar on Thursday, April 29th! We will be joined by BambooHR’s very own customer and marketing manager. So come learn how Time Tracking makes it easy to stay on top of the payroll process while also creating a better work experience for employees!

Post 5

Product post

Here at BambooHR, we believe in creating amazing work environments.

That starts by having an incredible team, and that’s where BamboosHR’s Applicant Tracking service comes in. Applicant Tracking makes the hiring process that much easier by keeping all your applicant information organized so you can make sure you’re hiring the best employees for

The job.

After the content has been created, it’s time to schedule the content. The best way to make sure you have all the posts you need to get scheduled properly is to have a content calendar. Having a content calendar also allows you to stay organized when batching multiple weeks of content.

